Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What do I hafta do to get some visitors up in here?

Alright you guys.. I know I haven't posted any earth shattering cartoons lately, nor have I written any insightful posts that would lend themselves to comment from my visitors ( 'cuz I haven't had any.) but for cryin' out loud. people !! SOMEONE out there has to at least stumble onto this blog, if only by accident and if by just some strange curiosity....look around or read this crap.
I realize that I am in no way 'The Professional Cartoonist ", but damn people.....pop in here once in a while and give this old guy a reason for being. Otherwise, I sit here making up stuff to ramble on about with no hope in sight for response and soon, the drooling starts. Umm, just kidding about the drooling thing, but.....Awww well...there's that rambling thing again.

Look ! I ask for no money, I do not try to sell anyone anything ( even the stuff that's not mine ), there's no 1-800 number posted to ask for donations of any kind,and as far as I know..I haven't offended anybody that I know of and if so. I apologize..but c'mon...someone's GOT to be even inanley curious about what it's like to be OUTSIDE THE BOX. T.

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